The rapid changes occurring as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic are impacting afterschool program providers and the families and students they serve. Reach out to Congress today to share the impact of COVID-19 on the afterschool and summer programs in your community.
Additionally, President Trump’s budget calls for eliminating federal funding for local afterschool and summer programs. If the funding is not maintained, nearly two million children and families would be left without reliable afterschool choices.
More than 19 million families want and need more afterschool and summer learning opportunities. For every child in a program, two are waiting to get in. Closing 10,000+ afterschool programs will hurt families and children in every part of the country. You can make a difference: call on Congress to protect funding for afterschool and summer learning programs.
Today's the day! Afterschool students, educators, and advocates are calling from all 50 states to speak with their reps on the Hill as part of the Afterschool for All Challenge!
Follow #AfterschoolWorks for highlights and don't forget to contact YOUR rep!