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Livescans Fingerprinting Now Available!

ICES Education is now officially a certified Live Scan fingerprinting agency. We provide the most convenient, fast and accurate Live Scan fingerprinting services. No matter what your reason, our trained Live Scan Technician will ensure that your paperwork is in order, take your fingerprints, process the request and have you on your way in no time!

General Live Scan

We provide live scan to the general public.

Fees and Pricing

Rolling Fee: $10.00

DOJ/FBI Fees: $49.00

*This price can vary depending on if applicant's requesting agency listed a billing number. If the requesting agency listed a billing number, the applicant only pays the rolling fee. But, if the requesting agency did not list a billing number, the applicant will pay the total of $67.50

ICES Team Member Live Scan

This option is only available to individuals going through hiring process for ICES Education in the following school districts.

ABC Unified School District

Long Beach Unified School District

Montebello Unified School District

Pomona Unified School District Fees

Fees and Pricing

Rolling Fee: $10.00

DOJ/FBI Fees: $49.00

ICES Team Member Live Scan - San Diego Only

This option is only available to individuals going through hiring process for ICES Education in San Diego Unified School District.

Fees and Pricing

Rolling Fee: $10.00

DOJ/FBI Fees: $49.00



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