Article written by California Afterschool Network (CAN) - View Original Article
Last Thursday, Gov. Newsom released his updated budget. While it had important proposals to serve working families, the budget is missing something equally important: increased funding for after school programs families count on. We issued this statement in response.
We know this is disappointing to hear, especially after so many of you made your voices heard. But it’s not over yet: we still have allies in the legislature working to save afterschool, and they need us to keep up the pressure. In fact, the last time we saw an after school funding increase, it came from the legislature, not the governor’s budget.
Help Us Keep the Pressure Up!
Contact your representatives in less than 5 minutes! Text “AFTERSCHOOL” to 52886 or click here
It’s never been easier to contact your Senator, Assembly Member, and the Governor! Your elected officials will start making final decisions about funding THIS WEEK, so don’t wait — contact your representatives NOW.
From this platform, you can quickly email, call, and tweet your legislators. Take a few minutes to tell them to Save After School. Then, tell your friends and family to do the same. Our collective voice should echo throughout the state and in the State Capitol.
Learn More About the ASES Campaign
To learn more about the ASES campaign, and how you can get involved this year, visit the Save After School website.
Become an Afterschool Advocate
Learn more about how you can take a stand by becoming a CA3 Afterschool Advocate.