We offer students a sneak preview into culinary arts by learning new recipes while learning the importance of a balanced meal using fresh fruits and vegetables from their very own garden.
Program Overview
The popularity of the culinary arts isn't just confined to grown-ups. These days, more kids than ever are discovering an interest in food and cooking. We offer students a sneak preview into culinary arts by learning new recipes while learning the importance of a balanced meal using fresh fruits and vegetables from their very own garden.

With school permission, students have the opportunity to learn what it takes to grow fresh seasonal ingredients, review gardening tools, and learn the nutritional value of their crops. Who said learning to love fruits and vegetables can't be fun?

From garden to table, students take their raw ingredients and turn them into delicious well-balanced meals. Students will learn how to prep and cook meals while applying mathematics and time management skills in a clean safe learning environment guided by our professional staff.

We encourage students to build self-esteem by having them share with fellow classmate their culinary creations along with cooking techniques used during class.